Good Health Begins with a Fair Opportunity in All Communities
The Board passed a motion to continue its decision on whether to adopt the proposed Notifiable Conditions permanent rule to its November public meeting. Board members discussed the importance of gathering information to consider incorporating additional demographic reporting requirements in response to public comments received on the rule. The proposed permanent rule added Silicosis as a notifiable condition for healthcare providers and healthcare facilities; added race and ethnicity to the list of required reportable data components; and made other administrative changes and clarifications. Staff members will continue to work with interested parties and subject matter experts to develop a recommendation for Board members to consider at its November public meeting.
View the rule’s background and summary and the draft rule on the August meeting web page; read more on the permanent rule web page; visit the emergency rule web page to learn how the two rules are different; and visit the Department of Health’s web page to learn more about rule’s implementation approach.
Questions about this rule, please email Kaitlyn Donahoe
We work so that the health and safety of all people in Washington will improve. Established by the state constitution in 1889, the State Board of Health has served the people of Washington for 131 years, providing leadership and advancing public health practices that protect and improve the public’s health. Our work focuses on analyzing policies, developing rules, promoting partnerships, and encouraging public engagement in the public health system.