Governor Jay Inslee has appointed Vazaskia Crockrell, a Tacoma resident born and raised who has dedicated her career and life to promoting equity for historically marginalized groups, to the Washington State Board of Health. Crockrell fills the consumer position, representing consumers of health care, on the 10-member Board.
Crockrell is the Director of Equity and Social Justice for the Metropolitan King County Council, where she acts as a liaison between the Council and underrepresented communities and interacts with community groups and individuals about issues of racial and ethnic disparity and forms of injustice. Crockrell held the position of Health Equity Manager for the Washington State Health Care Authority for nine years and served on the Governor’s Interagency Council on Health Disparities for 10 years, among other professional positions committed to promoting racial and ethnic equity.
“I come to the Board with a heart and a passion to address racial and ethnic disparities and inequities in systems,” said member Crockrell. “There is a concerted effort at the Board to address these inequities wherever they exist, and it inspires me. I am going to enjoy being a part of the Board and a contributor to this work.”
With a commitment to dismantling systemic and institutional racism, member Crockrell has worked previously to elevate the health care needs of women communities of color, was instrumental in having managed-care contracts include requirements to implement National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services, and giving voice to youth in the justice system and led changes to reduce racial disparities and give the most impacted youth and their communities a voice in the justice system.
“The Board believes that all government agencies have a duty to center equity in daily work and actively identify and dismantle racism,” said Michelle Davis, executive director of the Board. “I know that Vazaskia’s expertise, passion, and commitment to equity will help us advance and sustain efforts to protect and improve the health and well-being of all people in Washington State.”
The Board recognizes racism disproportionally impacts Black, Indigenous, and People of Color and that racism has prevented communities of color from thriving and achieving their optimal health for centuries. In a recent statement, the Board declared racism a public health crisis. The Board is committed to listening to, learning from, and partnering with Black, Indigenous, and People of Color-led organizations to dismantle institutional racism and improve diversity, equity, and inclusion within our Board. Read the full statement online.
Read member Crockrell’s full biography. The next Board meeting will be October 13 held online through the GoToWebinar application. A draft agenda will be disseminated Sept. 29. Subscribe to our email distribution list, visit our website, or follow us on Facebook or Twitter to get the latest news and information about Board meetings and rulemaking projects.
Established by the state constitution in 1889, the State Board of Health has served the people of Washington for 131 years, providing leadership and advancing public health practices that protect and improve the public’s health. Our work focuses on analyzing policies, developing rules, promoting partnerships, and encouraging public engagement in the public health system.