We are considering revisions to the Board's Keeping of Animals rule, originally developed in the 1920s.
The draft rule update retains the rule’s purpose for proper animal waste handling to maintain sanitary conditions and to prevent nuisance. The draft revisions focus on key control points for domestic animal waste that complement and reference related laws and rules. The draft rule is written as a tool that local and state agencies may implement and enforce as needed and as resources allow. Board staff worked on the rule this past year and filed a new CR-101, WSR 19-21-018, in October 2019 to align the rulemaking with Board policy direction. Board staff circulated the draft rule for informal public review and comment in December 2019.
The comment period on the informal draft rule has been extended to 5:00 p.m., Friday, March 13, 2020. Submit your comments to draftanimalwaste@sboh.wa.gov.
Following this informal step in the rulemaking process, Board staff will ready the formal proposed rule and related analyses for public comment and consideration by the Board. For more information on this rulemaking project go to our Keeping of Animals rulemaking web page.