Now Available: Agenda for September 19 Environmental Health Committee Special Meeting

The agenda is now available for our Environmental Health Committee Special Meeting on Monday, September 19. We will meet 1:00 – 2:45 p.m. via Zoom Meeting.

To access the meeting:

  1. Join online: Click on the hyperlink:; Meeting ID: 814 0687 5188, Passcode: 787950
  2. Join by phone: ​​​​​​Dial-In: +1 (253) 215-8782, Access Code: 814-068-751-88#

This is an online meeting via the Zoom Meeting platform. The public may observe the meeting. The subcommittee will not take formal action or receive public comment. This is a meeting of a subcommittee of the Board and intended to guide staff preparation related to issues for upcoming Board meetings. If you have comments you would like to share with the full Board, please email us your copies.