The Washington State Board of Health (Board) wants your feedback on proposed updates to the rules for hearing screening in Washington’s schools (Chapter 246-760 WAC).
This is your chance to suggest changes, ask questions, or share your ideas. Your feedback will help shape the final rule before it’s opened for formal public comment.
The informal comment period ends on Monday, April 14, 2025.
You can find the document with updated rule language here: Draft Proposed Updates to the Current Rule Language
How to Provide Feedback:
- Fill out the informal comment form here:
- The form lets you give feedback on specific sections of the rule. You can skip any sections you don't have input on.
- If you need help with the form, have questions, or want to submit feedback by email, contact:
Project Background
The Board sets the standards for auditory and visual screening of children attending schools in Washington (chapter 246-760 WAC). These standards aim to screen and identify students experiencing hearing or vision reductions and refer them for diagnostic evaluation and care by an appropriate healthcare provider.
On October 18, 2023, the Board filed a CR-101, Preproposal Statement of Inquiry. The filing is in response to a petition for rulemaking from a community group to include otoacoustic emission (OAE) screening technology in the Board’s auditory screening standards for schools. The Board is also considering several minor technical and editorial changes. You can find more information about this project on the rulemaking webpage here:
Ways to be involved in the rule project:
- Sign up for the interested parties list to get updates about this rule project:
- To receive updates about future Board meetings, subscribe to the Board's general distribution list.