Chapter 246-101 WAC outlines requirements for reporting information that is necessary for public health officials to protect the public's health by tracking communicable diseases and other conditions. The State Board of Health in collaboration with the State Department of Health have filed the CR-102, Proposed Rule, for chapter 246-101 WAC – Notifiable Conditions. The CR-102 announces to the public that a rule is being proposed and includes the proposed rule language. You may give your comments on the rule in the following ways:
- Submit written comments online through March 25, 2020
- Submit written comments through the U.S. Mail to:
Washington State Board of Health
PO Box 47990
Olympia, WA 98504-7990 - In-person at the rules hearing open to the public on April 8, 2020 at 1:30 p.m.
The Washington State Department of Health
Town Center 3, Conference Room
243 Israel Road SE
Tumwater, WA 98501
(map and directions)
Important Notes About the April 8 Meeting:
- We support the Governor's emergency proclamation that places additional limits on large gatherings as well as the event guidelines released by the State Department of Health as ways to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 at large events.
- In our effort to protect the public’s health while continuing our commitment to engage the public, the Board will hold the April 8 meeting online. We will not meet in-person. Board members will participate remotely. We encourage and will accept public comments from interested individuals through the GoToMeetings application. Visit the meeting materials web page to learn more.
- For members of the public who do not have access to a computer or other electronic device, the Board will reserve a physical location in Town Center 3 at the State Department of Health campus in Tumwater where individuals may attend in-person to give their public comments. The location may vary due to availability. The location will be on published on the draft and final agendas.
- The draft agenda for the April public meeting will be available Wednesday, March 25. Meeting materials will be available on our website on Friday, April 3 by 5:00 p.m. To receive meeting notices and rules alerts, please add your name to the Board's email distribution list.