Newborn Screening - Adding GAMT Deficiency and ARG1-D


The Washington State Department of Health (Department) tests all babies born in Washington for rare but treatable health issues. The Department completes this test using a small blood spot sample collected from a baby’s foot. This process is also called “newborn screening.” Washington law requires that the State Board of Health (Board) create rules for newborn screening. This includes the list of conditions that all babies are tested for after birth. In October 2023, the Board approved two new conditions for the Department to add to the list of current tests. These conditions are GAMT Deficiency and ARG1-D.  

For More Information

Statutory Authority: RCW 70.83.050
Board Contact: Kelly Kramer,
Department of Health Contact: John Thompson,

If you want updates about this project, sign up for emails for the Newborn Screening email list.

Rulemaking Status

The Department of Health (Department) and Healthcare Authority (HCA) need to increase the newborn screening fee to add new conditions to the newborn screening panel. The rulemaking for GAMT and ARG1-D is on hold until this funding becomes available. Board staff will update this webpage as more information becomes available.

Additional Background

Newborn Screening is a program within the Department of Health (Department). This program tests all babies for rare but treatable health conditions using a dried blood sample. RCW 70.83.050 requires that the Washington State Board of Health (Board) oversee rules for newborn screening.

Chapter 246-650 WAC is the Board’s Newborn Screening rule. Part of this rule, WAC 246-650-020, lists the list of conditions that the Department must test all babies for in Washington. On November 28, 2023, the Board filed a CR-101, Preproposal Statement of Inquiry, for chapter 246-650 WAC. The CR-101 announces to the public that the Board is considering adding two new conditions to the list of conditions in WAC 246-650-020. These conditions are Guanidinoacetate methyltransferase (GAMT) deficiency and Arginase 1 deficiency (ARG1-D).

A group called a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) recommended that the Board add these conditions. The TAC used the Board’s process and criteria for evaluating new conditions.   

This project was announced on November 28, 2023, and can be found under WSR 23-24-016 (CR-101).

Related Links

October 9, 2023, Board Meeting

September 8, 2023, Newborn Screening Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Meeting