August Meeting Highlights


State Board of Health members welcomed partners, public health officials, and the public to the Cherberg Building on the Capitol Campus August 14 for our last meeting of the summer. Here’s a quick rundown of the topics discussed and actions taken by members.

The State Board of Health took the following actions:

  • Board members adopted the proposed amendments to the Newborn Screening rules (chapter 246-650 WAC) and directed staff to file a CR-103 and establish an effective date for the rules.
  • Board members adopted the proposed amendments to the Immunizations rules (chapter 246-650 WAC) and directed staff to file a CR-103 and establish an effective date for the rules.
  • Board members passed Resolution 2019-01 honoring Dr. James Sledge for his service to the people of Washington as a member of the State Board of Health. Dr. Sledge retired from his appointment as a representative of health and sanitation. He served three terms and led efforts to improve oral health in Washington, collaborating oral health work with the Department of Health.

Briefings to the Board:

  • Susan Shelton from the Department of Health gave a presentation about the Food Service rulemaking work (chapter 246-215 WAC) , giving Board members an overview of the proposed rule changes, sharing information about community outreach efforts and strategies, and discussing the rule’s timeline and the next steps. Read materials under agenda item six on our web page.
  • Megan McCrillis from the Department of Health joined Alexandra Montaño, Board policy advisor, to give an introduction and overview of proposed amendments to the Newborn Screening rules (chapter 246-650 WAC). Megan and Alexandra summarized comments received on the proposed rule. Following their presentation, the Board held a public hearing on the rule and discussed the proposed changes. All materials are available online under agenda item seven on the meeting materials web page.
  • Michelle Weatherly, senior policy analyst at the Department of Health, joined Alexandra Montaño, Board policy advisor, to give an introduction and overview of rulemaking activity and to provide a summary of proposed changes to the Immunizations rule (chapter 246-105 WAC). Michelle and Alexandra shared comments that were received on the proposed rule and provided staff recommendations on how to address the comments. Following the presentation, the Board held a public hearing on the rule and members discussed the proposed changes. Materials are located on the meeting materials web page under agenda item eight.

Presentations to the Board

The next State Board of Health meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 9 at the Red Lion Hotel Seattle Airport in Sea-Tac. Meeting materials will be posted to our website on Friday, October 4 by 5:00 p.m. Draft minutes from this meeting will be available to the public and on our website Wednesday, October 2. Get meeting notices, news and other information by subscribing to our email distribution list.