The Washington State Board of Health (Board) has adopted proposed revisions to Washington state’s Keeping of Animals rule at its June 8, 2022 virtual public meeting. As a next step, Board staff will file an order of rule adoption with the code reviser’s office to establish an effective rule date.
Changes to the rule include updating the language to help make the rule easier to understand, outlining standards to help prevent, control, and abate health hazards and nuisance related to domestic animal waste, and a proposed title change to Domestic Animal Waste to more accurately reflect the Board’s authority regulating animal excreta.
The rule's public hearing consisted of testimony from individuals who have an interest in the outcomes of the proposed rule changes. Representatives of the farming industry and advocates for environmental justice shared their positions and voiced their support or concerns with the proposed rule updates.
The Board has authority and duty to adopt rules and standards for prevention, control, and abatement of health hazards and nuisances related to the disposal of human and animal excreta and animal remains. More information, including public and meeting resources, are available on the Keeping of Animals webpage and the June 8 public meeting webpage.