Public Comments

Our meetings are open to the public and we encourage you to participate. Every regular Board meeting includes a public comment section. This gives you a chance to tell us about health topics that are important to you. You may comment about:

  • Any matter that is on the agenda.
  • Any matter that concerns you.

Before you give comments, please read our powers and duties and familiarize yourself with our statutory authority.

How Do I Give Comments?

Written Comments

We encourage you to submit your written public comments to the Board. Written public comments need to be received by 12:00 Noon three business days before each Board meeting.  

Verbal Comments

Individuals may give verbal public comments at the meeting, in-person or virtually, during the public comment period. 

The amount of time allotted to each person will depend on the number of speakers present (typically 1 to 3 minutes per person). We will first call on those who have signed up in advance. 

Sign up by 12:00 Noon the day before a meeting to participate in the public comment period: 

If you are attending the meeting in person and did not sign up in advance, you may write your name on the sign-in sheet to provide comments if time allows.  

Important Information

  • Board Members will receive written comments submitted after the deadline; however, they may not have the capacity to read or review late comments in advance of the meeting.  
  • Comments received after 5:00 p.m. on the day of a Board meeting will be part of the next Board meeting materials. 
  • All testimony we collect is subject to disclosure under the Public Records Act.